Building the Wall- A Work in Progress

20-Time Beijing Part One

Credits to Amanda Hamilton for the punny title. It was a pleasure working with you.

Sorry for lying because I didn’t post last week like I implied I would. I’m sure no one noticed. If it is not apparent, I have not finished this week’s drawing. I’m not really sure whether or not it’s me being super lazy or super busy, but I will finish this this week. Hopefully I will be finished by the end of this week so I can post a finished picture and exit the country of China. Not that my parent’s hometown is bad or anything, but I want to discover the world- taste the fresh air of some place not like home. Really, all I need to do is to shade. So look forward to that, fellow fans (do they even exist?).

My parents will likely force me to finish this, so that will be motivation enough for me to finish this drawing. If you don’t hear from me for another week, it’s because I will be having a fun time in Athens. So don’t miss me too much.


One and Done

The Beginning.

Guangzhou, China

欢迎您到广州!Welcome to Guangzhou, or (as some might prefer to call it) Canton! I’ve visited this place a total of 6 times, starting from when I was a wee little baby. My parents met here and this is where the majority of my extended family lives, so it’s imperative that we visit as often as possible.

This is the beginning, and hopefully I will see it until the end. Next week, we will move west across China, landing ourselves in a place more historically significant than my parents’ hometown of Canton.

I realize this post just barely skims the minimum word limit, but as hackneyed people like myself say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I’ll see you next week.
